Confessions of a Line Cook: sorry grandma

Monday, November 9, 2009

sorry grandma

jeez, i haven't posted in forever.  my computer has been having some major problems, and i'm too lazy to walk my laptop upstairs and plug it in.  i need a wireless router.  anyway.  what's going on, dear readers?  have ya missed me and my angry line cook rants?  not much happened this week...except that on thursday we had a big table (16 top) of regulars that came in and ate, and everything was fine except one there was confusion on one lady's fried chicken.  ok.  so we get this fried chicken pre breaded and pre portioned.  they come in bags of four pieces.  occasionally they only have three pieces, and sometimes they have two of the same pieces in there (supposed to have one each of breast, thigh, leg, and wing).  so this lady ended up only getting three pieces, and as soon as we found out, we dropped the other piece she was missing.  now, astute readers will realize that that means we opened up another bag of chicken and took a piece out.  ok, so we sent that out, and she thought it was overcooked, so we ended up making a whole new order of fried chicken.  then tara gave her a free piece of pie.  so, to recap, this lady got two whole chicken dinners (without being charged for either) and a free dessert, and when all was said and done, and everybody was done and leaving (this group comes in a lot and they're good customers and they tip well), this fucking lady comes back in like she forgot something, gets the credit card slip from tara, and TAKES THE FUCKING TIP OFF OF IT.

what the fuck is wrong with people?  first of all, that was kitchen error, which i don't think the server should be punished for.  second, we did EVERYTHING we could to make it right.  she got two dinners and a dessert for free.  and the other fifteen people at the table enjoyed their meal and tipped accordingly, and this skunky bitch takes the entire tip off the ticket.  and we were slow other than that, so the one table tara had all night that she could have made money off of, she got stiffed on, because of one stupid rich lady.  (oh yeah, all those folks are rich, and live on a golf course.  rich people tip like shit because they don't know what it's like to be broke and really need that four dollars.  fuck them).  also, it wasn't even tara's fault!  well, to be fair, it wasn't really our fault in the kitchen either, it was the fault of shitty product.  sorry folks...i don't do the ordering nor do i decide what products we'll use.  what i wish i did, however, is rush out and 86 this bitch, but i was long gone by the time all the drama went down.  *sigh*  sometimes i really hate people.

our last ticket was an hour and a half before we closed on saturday night, and we spent all night friday talking about nintendo games.  kind of a boring week.

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