Confessions of a Line Cook: not what i expected

Sunday, November 1, 2009

not what i expected

so, halloween has come and gone, and lots of interesting things happened.  first of all, whoever wrote "Happy Halloween" on the board out front misspelled halloween (holloween) which is totally bush league.  then one of the breakfast cooks let an omelette go out with a slip of paper in it (most of our cheese comes pre-sliced with paper separating the slices).  it's careless, and it should not happen.  although we in the kitchen know that particular piece of paper never touched anything but cheese for all the customer knows we wiped our taints with it.  not cool. 

then there was the whole costume thing, which went about like i said it would.  most of the girls were in their griz gear like normal but with more facial accessories and fancier hairdos.  it was ok.  they looked like a gang, which, really, is kind of what we are anyway.  and tammy was in her prince get up, and she looked great, except she took her purple jacket off to wait tables, and then she just kind of looked like the soul glo guy from coming to america.  also i kept trying to get her to say "i'm rick james, bitch!"  she had a great wig and a pinstripe moustache.  i just told people i was dressed up as myself from the day before, and that my costume was more spot on than theirs. 

anyway, it was pretty slow, we didn't really get any after game rush like we should have.  jessie actually bet the boss (or he bet her, i'm not sure how it happened really) forty bucks that we wouldn't get 11 tables between 6:30 and 7:30, and she won.  just barely, like 7:32 we started getting tables and we were actually pretty steady until almost nine.  of course, i had let jenney go by then (cause it was slow) so it was just me cooking, but i kind of like being by myself in the's almost easier for me to make sure everything comes up together by being responsible for both sides of the kitchen instead of assuming somebody else will do it.  anyway it was nice and steady for a while, and we made a few bucks and i got to talk to a couple of cool guys watching the world series game, one of whom grew up just a couple blocks from shea stadium.  for those of you who don't know (and judging by my counter, there isn't any of you) i'm a huge mets fan.  anyway, he was cool and i fed him and his buddy and we talked baseball for a while. 

it was a pretty good night.  now it's sunday, and i'm gonna be lazy and drink beer, and maybe play some mario. 


Mad Reductions said...

Very good. I feel your pain man. I wish everyone who dines out regularly would read your blog.

mikey said...

so do i, do i.