Confessions of a Line Cook: that BACK....on the ESCALATOR!

Friday, January 22, 2010

that BACK....on the ESCALATOR!

so yeah, we've switched to movie quotes.  this particular movie was one of my most quoted for years.  also my dvd cover is signed by the director.  it's awesome.

anyway, work is busier but still boring, nothing worth writing about really...nobody has shit up the place, and no customers have sucked too hard this week.  it's been a short week for me cause i had to go to a funeral on tuesday and tomorrow it's the wife's holiday party.  they can't call it a christmas party cause of like ten people out of five hundred that don't do christmas.  they can't have christmas decorations, and they can't have it at christmastime.  anyway, it's supposed to be a 1920s murder mystery theme, which means i'm gonna dress up and drink silently with other husbands, as opposed to just drinking silently with other husbands.  it's funny, all the wives are chatting up with eachother and working the room and seeing everybody they work with and the husbands just kind of...drink.  it's a good time.  the food is usually worthless but it's free and also i'll be drinking.  since it's a 20s theme and i'll be wearing a zoot suit i'll probably drink martinis.  they taste like ass but make you look so sophisticated!

in other news, on tuesday the wife and i sat and watched like ten episodes of little people big world in a row.  and i noticed something.  i'll just lay out the pictures and you can decide for yourself.

*interestingly enough, when i googled "zach roloff" this picture was on the first page so i guess i'm not the only one who's noticed but still...damn!

in other news, got the ol taxes done...getting a nice chunk back but it's pretty much already spent.  nothing fun, i'm afraid...i guess i'll have to wait to get dj hero. 


Mad Reductions said...
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Mad Reductions said...

Mallrats! I love that movie.
I dont know who that kid is but he looks just like butthead. I bet that kid looks forward to halloween every year.