Confessions of a Line Cook: my love runs cold, my memory has just been sold

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

my love runs cold, my memory has just been sold

huzzah!  huzzah, i say!  comedy central is now in high definition!  cross that shit off my bucket list!

wait, i got the wrong list...the hd comedy central is on the list i posted a couple days ago.  my bucket list consists of three things, and three things only.

1.  feed Giada DeLaurentis peaches with my hands

2.  meet David Lee Roth in a bar and do shots with him

3.  personally orchestrate the downfall of Larry the Cable Guy and redneck comedy in general

i'm pretty sure number two is the only realistic one.


1 comment:

Mike said...

I'm pretty sure David Lee Roth is dead.