Confessions of a Line Cook: no one but me can save myself but it's too late

Saturday, January 16, 2010

no one but me can save myself but it's too late

i cannot believe that nobody commented on that last post.  seriously?  shit on the walls, people!

anyway, last night was friday and we were pretty busy.  it was nice.  there were only two servers and no hostess so it got a little crazy for a while but i'm sure when i get there today i'll have a nice pile of tips.  hope so, anyway.  we're running beef stroganoff this weekend, and yesterday i spent a half hour making up a killer strogo sauce...saute onions and garlic until fragrant, add mushrooms and cook until mushrooms are brown and yummy, add TONS of cabernet and let it boil the booze out, then add sour cream, season to taste.  i usually start by sauteing the beef in with it but boss had a ton of steak par cooked and portioned when i got there.  so i made this great sauce, and the first order we got for it i cooked off some of the steak and jesus, it was bad.  it was dry and mealy, and i was embarrassed to serve it.  i asked boss what kind of meat it was and he said sirloin and i said bullshit and he said i know right that's why i can't sell them as steaks and i said well you just made my stroganoff look bad.  oh well.  i have no control over things like that.  i do what i'm told, i use what we got and i make the best of it.  we are probably running it again tonight, but maybe i'll throw the meat in with the sauce to at least wet it up a bit.  boss wanted to run omelets with it but i told him unless they were full of sauteed onions and cheese and other wet stuff they would be too dry.  he asked me what i'd do with it and i told him grind it up with bacon to make it fattier and use it inside something like shepards pie so nobody notices how bad it is.

ah well.  making gold out of turds is what i do.


Anonymous said...

how can we comment on "shit on the wall" when you basically said everything that could be said? i had to reread it again several times to convince myself it was real. Belated thanks for the shout out; I intend to give proper props (?) in a blog when I get a moment to myself and I'm not naked.

Unknown said...

seriously, switch to the movie quotes. as for the shit on the wall, that was some pretty good, ahem, shit. I actually laughed out loud. I was going to say something else, but then i got so pissed about something else (not the something else i was gonna say but another something else) that i forgot what i was gonna say. as for the "steak" love the grind it with bacon idea because the one think that will always make meat better is bacon.