Confessions of a Line Cook: so here's what happened

Saturday, March 20, 2010

so here's what happened

k, so i went to work on thursday completely unsure of if i would quit or not.  none of the owners showed up very early so i just got the kitchen up and running like usual.  when el chefe got there he could tell i was pissed and he kept his distance.  was hating it all day and had dark clouds churning through my head.  then about one thirty el chefe goes "are you upset?"

".....fuck yes i'm upset!  you fucking pissed me off, dude!  you bailed on your kitchen to go get your fucking hair cut and we weren't even ready to serve the special!  it's bullshit!  i'm VERY fucking pissed off at you right now!"

and basically i yelled at chef like that for almost ten minutes, then he calmly took me outside and let me yell and rant some more.  then, when i was done, he explained his side of the story.  but instead of immediately firing off excuses and stuff he just sat there and took it.  he totally let me yell at him (and oh, was i yelling) and didn't yell back or anything.  he knew i was pissed, and he knew i had a good reason to be pissed.  anyway, we ended up talking for almost an hour about stuff, and i felt way better afterwards, and yesterday i had a great day at work.

it's funny, we don't really have a coworker sort of relationship.  it's almost like a marriage...he does shit that makes me mad, and i seethe about it, and finally we talk and make up, but instead of make up sex we just knock out lunch rush.

el chefe likes me cause i call him on his bullshit.  i don't really talk to him like a boss, i don't pull punches and i tell him when he's doing something fucked up or stupid.  he loves that about me.  and i love being able to just tear him a new one if he deserves it.  which he did.

anyway, once again it's all good.  will it be all good in a week, a month, two months?  i dunno.  but i'm really gonna try.  i want this place to work.  it has all the potential in the world, it has a fantastic location and a great staff and it's an absolutely beautiful space.  so i wanna stick around and make it as awesome as i know it can be.  just don't sneak off the line to go get your fucking hair cut.

so yeah, now it's saturday (my friday), i got paid yesterday, and i don't have to take the bus today (i don't mind the bus, but sometimes there's crazies on it, and it takes a lot longer to get downtown than if i was just driving) so i don't have to leave the house as early.  that's good.  and i feel good about things, and i love the saturday crew, so i think today will be just fine.

we have our grand opening tonight and launch our dinner menu, so there's gonna be lots to do this morning and afternoon.  i may come in tonight to sample the dinner goods.

anyway, i know a lot of you were worried on account of my facebook posts the other day, so i just wanted to explain.  it's all good.  i was just mad and frustrated but instead of staying mad and frustrated or getting madder and more frustrated i verbally beat the shit out of my boss and now i feel better.

happy saturday, folks!

1 comment:

Mad Reductions said...

we have health insurance now...I think