Confessions of a Line Cook: hopefully getting this out will make me feel better

Saturday, March 13, 2010

hopefully getting this out will make me feel better

ok, so i had my first bad day at the new job yesterday.  it started out bad and i just didn't feel it all day.  here's the situation.  i'm the opener.  i'm scheduled at 8, and we open at 9.  i ride the bus to work, and the bus stop is just a block from work, and the bus gets there by 7:45.  so basically i'm there ready to work at ten to eight (i smoke a cigarette in the alley after i get off the bus).  here's the first problem....i don't have a key yet.  for whatever reason, they've never given me one, even though i hear almost every day "you're getting a key today".  this week especially i've heard a lot about this mysterious key but i still haven't seen it.  now, whatever...that wouldn't be so bad i guess, but there's three owners and none of them are ever there at 8.  it's always 8:05, or 8:11, and yesterday it was 8:30.  now, first off, that seriously cuts down the time i have to get the kitchen ready for breakfast, which makes me look bad when someone wants to eat at 9 and i can't do it.  secondly, i was waiting outside for almost forty five fucking minutes, and it was cold and windy.  the friday am server, who has actually started showing up late cause she knows nobody is there at 8...her and i waited for twenty minutes together and i had been waiting for twenty minutes already.  apologies were said, but i was pissed.  i mean, 8:30 one day isn't the worst thing ever, but i've been opening since early feburary and i still don't have a goddamn key, and i think i've gotten in there before 8 maybe three times.  i feel like the owners just don't have their shit together.  i mean, come on.  i'm there five days a week.  we've had plenty of time to get me that key.  it's just never materialized.  and it worries the shit out of me that it appears not a single one of them can be bothered to just show up and open their business on time like everybody else in the world.  and i'm left standing in the cold like a jagweed.

i do know they knew i was pissed at work yesterday, cause i got a call about an hour after i got home from one owner apologizing for me having to stand in the cold and she said "i have a key here for you" and i've heard that a million times already so i didn't really respond and i could tell she wanted me to come get it and i just said "nah, i'm sure i'll get it tomorrow".  i don't think i should have to get it from them, i feel that as owners it's their responsibility to make sure i have a key so i can open the place everyday.  if i had a key, i'd never have to wake any of them up just to let me in!

so anyway, i'm fucking coming back home if somebody isn't there by ten after to let me in.  straight up.  i would hope after all that bullshit yesterday somebody will get off their ass and be there at 8 today.  i dunno, guess that as a lifelong night cook i'm just used to showing up fifteen minutes early.  and honestly, i don't mind that nobody is there at 7:45 when the bus gets there, but come on...somebody get there by 8, or just give me a goddamned key.  do i think i'll get the key today?  no.  do i expect anybody to be there at 8?  no.

nervous about shit right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been keeping up with you, but not commenting because I would rather send you an email or at least a FB message. However, I have to comment to-day in case one of those morons happens to be out there reading. As a manager who is definitely not the morning type (or wasn't before AB), it was a big deal if I ever had to open. I made sure (no shower, whatever) that I was there on time so no one ever had to stand outside in the cold like an asshole. Most importantly, you are not on the clock and not getting paid and that can't ever happen when you are doing exactly what your are supposed to. You have every to be highly PO'd. If it is a control issue with the key, then maybe they need to reevaluate their trust in you. I'm sure you've already earned it. Good luck.