Confessions of a Line Cook: more kick ass food on the way

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

more kick ass food on the way

so i got another party to's just a small xmas party for a local law firm.  my friend eli (who i haven't seen in a couple years) saw my catering pics on facebook and when his wife came home and told him she was having the office xmas party at their house he immediately thought of me.  flattering!  anyway, we're still working out the menu but stay tuned for a post next week with pictures and the story.  i also maybe am catering my boy mike's wedding in august (hope everything works out for that).

other than that, it's been slow at work, it's cold as hell, it's snowy for pretty much the first time today, and my computer works like crap.  oh, and my blackberry just up and quit working.  also my dvr won't record it's always sunny in philadelphia for some reason.

i'm having a hell of a time with electronics lately.


Anonymous said...

how can I find you on Facebook?

mikey said...

just search for mike eudaily