Confessions of a Line Cook: can't ya see i'm standin here with my back against the record machine

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

can't ya see i'm standin here with my back against the record machine

ok.  fun fun fun.  the title of this post is a quote from a song.  from now on all my titles are gonna be lines from songs that kick ass, and ten bonus awesome points* for leaving a comment with the right answer.  yesterday's title was of course from through the fire and the flames by dragonforce.  duh.

so, anyway, of course the steamer got fixed today.  it took the guy like four hours.  the element burned out but apparently there was years and years of calcium buildup cause i guess you're supposed to chemically clean it once a week but we've never done it.


anyway, it took a long time and it smelled like a science lab all day.  but the cleveland steamer lives again!  huzzah!

so, i guess the only other thing of any interest that happened today was ONCE AGAIN i was forced into making breakfast after we stopped serving breakfast.  ok, listen, i understand the five after two tickets (we cut off breakfast orders at 2) but this order didn't even come in until almost twenty after.  and it was a seven top.  two of them had cheeseburgers, but the rest were breakfasts.  what i was told at about twenty to two was that there was going to be a seven top but not everybody was there yet.  so, naturally, by twenty after, i had completely forgotten about it.  and i guess because some of them were there before two, the server (she who shall not be named but has pooped her pants at work one time) figured that it was okay that they ordered breakfast.  i only cooked it because i'm super passive aggressive and i shy away from confrontation but enjoy complaining.  only afterward was i told that it was actually a different server's kids and their friends.  so, the moral of the story is, those kids should know what fucking time breakfast ends.

anyway.  i always do shit like that, and go against all my line cook instinct (which 95% of the time just screams "FUCKOFFIHATEYOUIHATEYOUIHATEYOU") and do special orders for people or serve something before or after i should.  i'm a softie...what can i say?  i'm a big bowl of puddin, with a tiny nugget of raving lunatic in the middle.

*bonus awesome points can't be redeemed for money, favors, sexual favors, sexual favors that maybe i did once but that are illegal in nine states, or sexual favors that i may have gotten from your mother and you'd like to try.  they are simply a way of measuring your awesomeness compared to that of your peers, so that i may belittle and humiliate you when you guess wrong.  peace, suckas!


Mad Reductions said...


Mike said...

I don't know the name of the song, but I think it was written and performed by Olivia Newton John.

Mad Reductions said...

i thought it was from Van Halen

mikey said...

and chris is the winner! mikey actually loses bonus awesome points for slagging my musical tastes.