Confessions of a Line Cook: ok then

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ok then

so, tuesday spag day was kind of a bust, as it has been recently.  the regulars were out there, including my boy fred, and that family that wants too much sauce, but i barely went through half a soup pot of sauce, and like a month ago i was rocking two pots of sauce to the last little bit.  so the weather and kids being in school again and all that has us slowing down.  which, on one hand, is fine cause i get paid the same either way (except obviously i get more tips when we're busy), but we love what we do and we wanna do as much of it as possible. 

off topic a bit (topic?  did i even have one?) i'm sitting here getting over being sick, and i feel pretty ok for the most part, but my left ear is a little plugged up, which reminds me of the time my eardrum blew up during lunch rush.  i was working at a god awful hellhole of a place, a restaurant that was busy as hell, but that had an absent, idiot asshole owner, the worst designed kitchen ever (fryers in the dishpit, anyone?), and the highest turnover rate i've ever seen.  it was a nightmare.  we weren't allowed to go outside to smoke cause somebody somewhere in the past had gotten high in their car, so we had to sit in the casino at one particular table, unless there was someone already sitting there.  so most of the time we had to stand up in the corner of the casino, with all these lights and keno machine noises, and it never really felt like a fucking break.  anyway.  the place sucked.  i got tons more stories about this place.  but this one goes like this...i had a headache all day, it was one of those too-much-pressure-in-your-cabasa sorts of deal, and i was working saute, and i was agitated as fuck all day cause my head hurt and i was pretty much agitated as fuck all the time there anyway, and all of a sudden BOOM!  my right eardrum actually exploded, right there, and i dropped me to my knees, and i had all this nasty juice dripping out of my head, and when i tried to explain to a manager what happened, and that i should probably leave and go to the doctor, i got a line of shit about how i couldn't leave cause they'd have to call cody in and he'd end up with overtime.  i was like, "yes, but you see, my MOTHERFUCKING EAR JUST EXPLODED ALL OVER MY CHEF JACKET AND IT'S DRIPPY AND HURTS AND DEAR GOD LET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!"

i did end up leaving, but i kind of remember it was like two hours later.

god i hated that place

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