Confessions of a Line Cook: saturday night, and weekend to play

Sunday, August 23, 2009

saturday night, and weekend to play

what a waste of my time and my boss's money.  it sucked last night.  sucked donkeys for nickles.  there was nothing resembling a dinner rush...i don't remember having more than four or five tickets hanging at any given time....oh, wait...from about 2:30-4 it was kinda crazy, and that was amplified because there was just one server (tara, handled it like a champ with the exception of hurling a tray at my iced tea) and only me in the kitchen, and on saturday afternoons i have to flip the cold station (change the containers for all the cheese, diced onions and tomatoes, that sort of thing), i have to change the oil in the fryer, which i like to do before dinner, and i have to change the kitchen over from breakfast stuff to dinner stuff while doing lunch in the mean time.  i have to make sure the prime rib is cooking right and going to be ready at five, i gotta have all my bakers done, make sure all my gravies and sauces are topped up and all that.  and it was busy during all that.  we did 250 dollars in sales in about forty five minutes.  and in eight dollar sandwiches and three dollar cups of soup that's a ton of actual volume.  it was busy then.  but as soon as that was over and i had everything ready for a good ol saturday night dinner rush....nothing.  it sucked.  but hey, it's my weekend now, and i have a lazy sunday with my wife.  i wanna bitch about late table etiquette but that's for later, we're heading out to breakfast now.  i need yumyums!

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